Privacy Policy
website is the property of SC PUBLISHING EVENT AND CAPITAL SRL, headquartered in Bucharest, Cristian Street Popisteanu. 2-4, 6th Floor, birou7, sector 1, registered in the Companies Register under number J40 / 758/2010, CUI R26434909 and can be contacted by e-mail: web [at] Throughout these terms and conditions we refer to the site as' ". By using the site and / or any other services offered are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the full terms and conditions of use of the site. site is owned by SC PUBLISHING EVENT AND CAPITAL SRL and obey the laws of Romania.
content of the portal is owned and partner companies will be cited as a source of content and can not be taken, distributed, sold or resold without the written agreement of If you want to take on any type of content on please contact us at the address site [at] reserves the right to modify or add new rules and restrictions regarding content of the site at any time. reserves the right to modify or update any right to use the service or any service at any time without notice. Users will not modify any part of the Website except what is necessary for proper use of the site with the purpose for which it was created. Thus, in areas of the site that allow users to add content, they will enter / upload content sites that meet strict size and dimensions shown on the site, in that section. includes sections that contain content uploaded by users in text, photo, audio or video. For materials posted on the site, users are guaranteed that in at least one of the following ways: - is the author of such material; - Is the holder of the copyright in that material; - Has the consent of the copyright owner to post such material on the site.Posting material of any kind on the site, users grant a non-exclusive license, with the title free, irrevocable and unlimited in time and territorial which are transmitted by and SC PUBLISHING EVENT AND CAPITAL SRL all rights to the material posted, including use, reproduction, transformation, distribution, broadcasting, cable retransmission, promoting or redistributing part of the material in any media formats and through any media channels, as well as making derivative works. It is forbidden to upload illegal content on the site (child pornography, incitement to violence, racism and discrimination etc) obscene, defamatory, threatening, pornographic, harassing or materials that violate any law. It is also prohibited from posting items that could damage the site Using realize that it will expose the material that may be offensive, indecent, abhorrent and you agree to waive, any legal rights or remedies that you might claim from and you agree to invest and maintain them , owners / operators, affiliates and / or its licensees with complete immunity to the extent permitted by law all aspects of the use of the site. If the identified materials that violate copyright or that you consider indecent, unlawful or immoral, please send an email to web [at] not support pornographic content. Therefore, please notify us present such content using the special button located on site.
Personal data
According to Law no. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, amended and supplemented, and the Law. 506/2004 concerning the processing of personal data and privacy in electronic communications SC PUBLISHING EVENT AND CAPITAL SRL, a Romanian legal entity, based in Bucharest, Cristian Street Popisteanu. 2-4, 6th Floor, birou7, sector 1, registered in the Companies Register under number J40 / 758/2010, CUI R26434909 has the obligation to manage safely and only for specified purposes, the personal data provided to us. The purpose of collecting data is to set up a database to inform about organizing promotional campaigns, actions of advertising, marketing and advertising and for the account of registered user that gives the user access to features and customized services You are not required to provide data, which are necessary for them to meet you promotional campaigns, the purpose of advertising, for marketing and advertising activities and access to additional facilities. Your refusal makes non-participation in promotional activities organized by SC PUBLISHING EVENT AND CAPITAL SRL. Data are recorded for use by SC PUBLISHING EVENT AND CAPITAL SRL for the above purposes. According to Law no. 677/2001, have the right to access and modify the data, the right not to be subjected to an individual decision and the right to go to court. Also you have the right to oppose the processing of your personal data and request deletion. To exercise these rights, you may submit a written, dated and signed SC PUBLISHING EVENT AND CAPITAL SRL, a Romanian legal entity, based in Bucharest, Cristian Street Popisteanu. 2-4, 6th Floor, birou7, sector 1, and we can Semal at this site [at] If some data about you is incorrect, please let us know as soon as possible. undertakes not to send spam messages (commercial that has no prior consent of the user).